10 June 2012

Happy Birthday Aunt Sheila

My Aunt Sheila and I share the same birthday and today she hits a big milestone.  We wish we could be in Portland for her party and wish her well.  For the big night, My mom asked everyone to share a favorite memory of Sheila and below is one of mine.

When I was younger she invited my siblings and me over to her house for the evening.  We went out to pizza and I think we all ate more slices that we should have.  Then after dinner we went to the grocery store by her house and she let us pick out any ice cream and all the toppings we wanted.  

We were so excited to eat amazing ice cream sundaes, but when we finally got back to her house the pizza had settled and we were uncomfortably full.  We reluctantly told Sheila that we were too full to eat ice cream, which I remember being really sad about.  Fancy ice cream sundaes with all the fixings were not a frequent treat at our house and we truly felt spoiled by our aunt that night.  But we were just too full to eat any more.

That didn’t seem to matter to Sheila because she proceeded to force us to eat the ice cream.  She probably spent like $50 on ice cream and toppings and she was going to make sure that we had fun and enjoyed the yummy dessert.  We were told we had to eat the ice cream.  I remember we all protested, but she kindly told us that we couldn’t leave until we ate some.  Most kids are forced to eat broccoli or Brussels sprouts, but that night our aunt made us sit at the table until we ate our ice cream. 


  1. Such a great night. This is also one of my favorite memories. You will eat this ice cream!

  2. this was so funny to hear... TWICE! Aunt Sheila was rolling!
